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February 11, 2020 5 min read

Most little girls and boys have dreamt of being able to swim like a beautiful mermaid or shark at least once during childhood.  In fact the fascination with mermaids goes beyond famous movies like “The Little Mermaid” and “The Pirates of the Caribbean” it is thought that the attraction comes from the mermaid’s history of love and femininity.  Mermaids inspire people with their love of romance, mystery, power and stylishness.

Mermaid popularity is continually on the rise with new mermaid inspired films, fashion designers incorporating mermaid inspired designs into their own fashion lines and celebrities posting feeds on social media in their mermaid tails.

The love of everything mermaid is something that will just continue to grow and we expect to see lots more movies being produced, songs, fashion labels, art and much more mermaid inspired products made available for everyone, young or old to enjoy for years to come.

Lots of companies have joined this bandwagon but not all are quality and safety conscious, something which is of the upmost importance when purchasing a tail for either a child or adult alike.   Companies like this are flooding the marketplace and offering cheap alternatives which may look cost attractive but are not always the best option.

Below are the main points to consider when looking to purchase that perfect mermaid tail.


Above everything else you need to know that whoever you are buying for they can swim confidently.  Planet Mermaid recommends that you should be able to swim confidently unaided for 25 metres.  

There are two elements to a mermaid tail, the tail itself and the fin.  Both of which need to be researched carefully to ensure the correct purchase decision is made.

Planet Mermaid uses a product called the “Magic Fin” it is UK manufactured and specifically designed for Planet Mermaid tails.  The high ankle socks are great for “quick release” as well as giving full support around the ankles.  The insert inside the magic fin sleeve is virtually indestructible and engineered for safety and comfort.

The tail and monofin need to be the perfect fit to ensure ease in the water.  All manufacturers should provide a safety guide with their tails.  Planet Mermaid sends a leaflet out with all purchases as well as a dedicated safety page on its website. 

It is also essential that an adult be with a child at all times when using the tail in the water.


Mermaid tails come in all shapes, sizes and styles.  It is the style of the tail which is usually the final deciding factor when choosing your tail.  Whether you want to stand out in the crowd or become Ariel herself there is a design out there for you.

Things to help your decision should include making sure that the tail is 100% swimmable and of the highest quality fabric to ensure duration of the product.    Planet Mermaids tails are chlorine and fade resistant to ensure the tail stays looking fresh for years to come.  Cheaper alternatives will see material fading and stretching after a short life span of use.

Planet Mermaid not only produces mermaid tailsthey also manufacture mermaid leggings, bikini tops, scrunchies, t-shirts and other amazing accessories to complete the mermaid look in a large range of designs.

Sharks are also not forgotten our Planet Shark collection consists of merboy tails, boy mermaid costumes, swimming accessories and t-shirts. Planet Shark is all about high quality products that are made in a selection of stunning colours and designs and are meant to be used indoors and outdoors. Make splashes, run across the beach, play, swim and have fun. A perfect gift for a merboy - or just for a boy who enjoys swimming.


Do not go for a “one size fits all” tail.  It is essential that that tail fits the person buying for and reputable manufacturers should have tails that come in multiple sizes.  Planet Mermaid offers a children’s collection suitable for 3 to 14 years and goes according to measurements for waist circumference, height and waist to ankle length. 

All manufacturers should have a sizing chart to look at when ordering.

The monofin fit is done according to shoe size.  Planet Mermaid has two types of monofins available; The “Magic Fin” fitting shoe sizes 11 – 6 and the “Atlantis” for shoe sizes 6-14.


Mermaid tails are made with swimmable fabric such as lycra and have agents which ensure they are chlorine and fade resistant.  The fabric used ensures flexibility whilst getting it on and also when swimming.

Ensure that the fabric is strong enough to prevent bobbling or holes made during use getting in and out of the water.  Planet Mermaid provides a leaflet with its tails to ensure the longevity of its products.


Pricing for tails varies greatly wherever you look.  A tail set can start at £20 however the quality is usually very poor and will only last the user a couple of sessions due to the cheap fabric.  It is more cost effective to invest in a slightly higher price bracket to ensure quality and durability.  Planet Mermaids tails last for years and are often handed down to the next generation of mermaids and sharks to start their own magical experiences.  .

Where to use your tails

Planet Mermaid has recently been in the press with its launch of “Mermaid Wave Swim School” where classes, located nationwide, are designed to give you water confidence and an understanding of how to use a monofin safely in water. You will be taught by fully trained instructors with over 15 years of experience to understand how to perform the butterfly kick at different swim lengths including twirls, twist and stroke efficiency. The course is robust and designed by professionals to give our mermaids and sharks the opportunity to learn new techniques and shine brightly.

It is the perfect opportunity to learn to swim in your mermaid tail in a safe environment before heading out to larger waters!

If you have any questions before making your purchase please do not hesitate to ask our professional opinion.  With lots of variations on the marketplace it is essential that you make the right informed decision.

If you are looking to purchase for a child take a look at our website to view all our safety videos, look at  our amazing fabric mermaid tails and see our full collections or alternately visit for our full adult collections including adult mermaid tails and woman’s mermaid monofins, siren tails and a whole lot more!


Keep mermaiding and sharking


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