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January 22, 2019 2 min read

When it comes to exercising, we’ve always opted for the traditional but, one could argue, slightly boring option of running, whether that be on the road, in the park or even on the treadmill. We’ve never given anything else much thought…well until now! Who’d have known there were so many different and exciting alternatives to keeping fit? Particularly mermaid swimming. Yes, you did hear that right. You can relive your childhood fantasies whilst getting fit at the same time!


It has been proven that if you attend classes on a regular basis, and healthy eating is implemented, your body will start to become healthier and stronger. Not only that, but your posture will also change due to the body positioning in the pool and core work. Your overall cardio will also improve over the weeks and you’ll notice a change in your posterior muscles….always a bonus in our book. @kimkardashian, eat your heart out!

‘How does it work?’ I hear you ask. Well, the idea is that the movements are slow and graceful, making the swimming look effortless.

The joined legs covered with the tail give the effect of no legs and, as the fin is covered and your feet are hidden, it gives the tail effect. This then encourages the swimmer to use a flutter kick known as a butterfly leg kick.

The motion of the butterfly kick is a very different process once you’re a mermaid. The costume gives you full support to complete the swimming style and the Magic Fin enables a greater speed -  together, they are the essence of mermaiding. 

Swimming with a Magic Fin helps with your overall body position and improves your technique in the water by creating extra buoyancy as you swim. Fin swimming is a new way of learning swimming techniques and co-ordination while improving your overall fitness.

This excellent idea is the brainchild of Mermaid Wave Swim School who hold mermaid classes all around the country, run by experience mermaid swim instructors. All the kit is provided so no added expense is needed - all you need to do is turn up, have fun and transform into a mermaid.


Given you an appetite to find out more? With centres all around the UK there is no excuse not to check us out. Vvisit or call us on 01234 352488.

Remember, it’s not just for adults, children can have mermaid fun too. To find out more please visit

See you in the pool! 

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