September 04, 2019 2 min read
On Monday 19th August photography lovers of all ages around the world will be celebrating the annual World Photo Day.
Its prime focus is to inspire the positive changes that have been made around the world. It is a way of connecting people and at the same time raise awareness through the art of photography.
History behind this day
World Photo Day was created in 2009 by an Australian photographer named Korske Ara and the 19th was chosen as it was the date the patent of the Daguerreotype (an early method of photography) was bought by the French government.
This day also coincides with the World Humanitarian Day,
Growth from modest beginnings
A whopping 500 million people are now signed up since its foundation in 2010 where just 250 people registered.
This is a fantastic platform for photographers to share images on their passion and raise awareness of what is going on around them.
Passion for all things Oceans and Marine Conservation
World photo day is a fantastic opportunity to renew our appreciation for our planets oceans and marine life that lives below the magical waters and raise awareness about the breathtaking diversity that marine life brings.
The ocean is just one of those amazing places which oozes fantastic sea life species and with nearly 200,000 already identified species with millions yet to be accounted for the ocean needs much needed recognition and exposure to get the recognition it deserves.
It is a very sad fact that as much as 40% of the ocean is now heavily affected by the most significant and direct threat of over exploitation of marine species as well as other threats such as pollution, loss of coastal habitats and climate change and being part of World Photo Day it gives the opportunity to bring these issues to the forefront to such a large audience.
Amazing Ocean and Marine Life Photo Examples
To find out more and to sign up please visit
Why not start your photographic journey by getting some mermaid training in at Mermaid Wave Swim School – There are centres all around the UK where you will be able to learn to swim like a mermaid in preparation for your magical journey photographing the wonders of the sea.
Call us on 01234 352488 to find out more or to book your space.
If you already have been lucky enough to capture the wonders of the sea through your own camber lens we would love to see and share with our fellow mermaid lovers. All you need to do is upload onto our us social media platforms.
Keep Mermaiding and sharking!
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