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March 20, 2019 1 min read 1 Comment

Ever wondered how magical it would be to be transformed into a mermaid well your dreams can become a reality thanks to Mermaid Wave who in conjunction with Planet Mermaid are launching experience days in the months of May to August directed at both adults and children to experience the magic of what being a real mermaid can feel like.

There are either half or full hour sessions located in London, Wiltshire/Hampshire, Essex and Kent where an experienced mermaid instructor will teach you all the mermaid moves.  Not only that you will have the opportunity to try on a mermaid tail and fin to ensure you get that VIP mermaid experience.





Visit www.mermaidwave.com  to book your slot, places are limited and we do not want you to miss out on this fantastic experience.

Or for those serious enough to want to go that extra mile and dress as a mermaid all the time there are plenty of mermaid tails for adults and children to choose from.  To finish the look you can also accompany your tail with a mermaid top or mermaid bikini, mermaid leggings, monofin, mermaid accessories including scrunchies , mermaid t-shirts and kids swim bags.

Visit www.planetmermaid.com to view the complete collection.

Keep mermaiding and sharking!

1 Response

Sarah Petherick
Sarah Petherick

September 09, 2021

Hi. I am interested in your Essex course for my 11 year old. Can you give me some more info please x

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